Social Works

The Jesuits in Nepal are not only involved in Education but also in uplifting the socially marginalized and disowned in the society.  It began picking up the homeless people and started giving them shelter and taking care of them.  In the sixties the young people were found with substance abuse, suffering and struggling to overcome such evil.  So the Jesuits started the first drug rehabilitation center in the valley. And now, they are actively trying to bring solace in the life of Earthquake victims. The Jesuits do all these work through following institutes:

St. Xavier’s Social Service Center, Jawalakhel: SXSSC started when Fr. Tom Gafney was a rector of St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel.  He saw many homeless and sickly people without the care of anyone.  He bought another piece of land available next to the School and started housing those homeless and differently-abled.  Now it shelters about 51 boys and helps them in education, health care and being a family to them.

Aruna Bhavan, Nakhipot: This is another extension of SXSSC. This began as Freedom Center for boys affected by drug abuse.  It helped many boys to get rid of substance abuse in its course of existence for more than 40 years. However, in 2016 after much reflection this center took new avatar and was made shelter home for girls just like SXSSC, Jawalakhel boys home.  Now, about 45 girls are benefiting from this shelter, living, mentored and going to various schools.

Gafney Bhavan, Nakhipot: This too is a branch of SXSSC. It shelters the physically challenged inmates who have no one to care for.  The inmates live here and receive continuous medical care in a homely atmosphere. There are about 15 invalid inmates taken care of.