This School started in 1951 with only 65 boys. It ran as only boys’ school for 55 years. Initially it was a Cambridge system board. In 1971 it became Nepal board. Currently, it boasts of co-ed school and has more than thousand students. Read more…
This is the second venture after the opening of school in Godavari. This school started in 1954 when Fr. Moran bought the plot of land in Jawalakhel. This school has more than thousands students both boys and girls up to class twelve. Read more…
The Isc system had begun in St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel. In 1992, the college was shifted to Matighar. The college has both plus two and A Level system. The college runs bachelors and some post graduate degrees. Read More…
There was a devastating Earthquake in 2014. Many Nepalese rendered homeless. To ease their pain both physically and mentally, the Nepal Jesuits once again dived into action of relief work and rehabilitation of earthquake victims. Read more…

This is the first school out of Kathmandu valley. This started in 1999. Situated in middle of remote village, it has grown to now Class twelve and boast of having about 900 students. It is a co-ed school. This school has a big hand in shaping up the social and economic status of its neighborhood. We see great leap of changes in the lifestyle of people around the school.
This school too started for the poorest of the poor of the neighborhood working in tea-garden. Initially the school was an informal type. Later it was converted to formal Nepali medium school. The students are of tribals of Indian origin and Rajbanshi, Matwalis and some from higher caste. This was founded in 1999. The school once again took sweeping change when it transformed into English medium school.
Seeing the growing need of education for the most backward communities, the Jesuits started yet another school in Sadakbari. It started with humble beginning, having initial classes in Chapel, then moving on to thatched roofed shacks in the new plot of land. They have started studying now in the proper school building. This started in 2012.

The extension of SXS is Loyola School. The management is by the Jesuits but run by the Carmalite Missionaries Sisters. It is in the process of development. However, there are 60 students studying from play school to Class Three. The school building is ready and the students have started having classes in the new building.
SXSSC started when Fr. Tom Gafney was a rector of St. Xavier’s School. He saw many homeless and sickly people without the care of anyone. He bought another piece of land available next to the School and started housing those homeless and differently abled. Now it shelters about 51 boys and helps them in education, health care and being a family to them.
This is another extension SXCC. This began as Freedom Centre for boys affected by drug abuse. It helped many boys to get rid of the abuse in its course of existence for more than 40 years. However, in 2016 after much reflection this center took new avatar and was made home for girls just like SXSSC, Jawalakhel boys home. Now about 45 girls are benefiting from this shelter, living, getting mentored and going to various schools.

Shishu Bikas Kendra

Godavari Ashram
This is too is a branch of SXSSC. It shelters the physically challenged inmates who have no one to care for. The inmates live here and receive continuous medical care in a homely atmosphere. There are about 15 inmates staying in this hospice.
Shishu Bikas Kendra started with the arrival of Fr. Adam , Maryknoll Priest to Pokhara. Later, he handed it over to Fr. Ookie, a Japanese Jesuit working in Nepal. Since then the Jesuits are helping out the down syndrome children to stand on their own and fend for themselves. It teaches them life skills.
It is a place to make spiritual journey. People who want to connect with God come to this place and experience him. It’s first Director was Fr. Leo Cachet SJ. Fr. David Ekka SJ is the current Director of the Ashram.
St. Xavier’s parish has been existing for decades without a worship place. In
December, 2016 the faithful of the place joyfully received the sacred place for worship and praise.
Similarly, the faithful of Pokhara worshiped and prayed in some rooms in the Shishu Bikas Kendra for years. In 2015, they too were delighted to have a place for praise and worship.
The people of Tipling residing in Gangabu area used to gather together in a make shift structure to pray and offer mass. A proper structure for prayer and mass was built around 2003. Read more …